Wednesday, 7 November 2012


Yes he can! I had a very restless night, might as well have stayed up for election watch. So it felt extra good to wake up to hear that Barack Obama has been re-elected the president of the United States. And I am sure little Abby is not the only person in the States who is relieved that the campaign is finally over! Now, I'm just hoping to catch Obama's speech before starting my day.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Who wins?

Four years ago, I sat up all night in a lovely house in Cantonments, with Virgo and friends, following the election on CNN. The room was pregnant with pause, (I was just pregnant), in those moments before it was confirmed: Obama had won the election! Tonight, I'm packing in. Although I'm on holiday and actually could stay up all night, it's not the same to do it alone and knowing there's a 3 and a half year old who definitely won't let me catch sleep tomorrow. It's with excitement I go to bed ahead of the first results.
Tomorrow, we'll wake to hear if the world has won and kept it's president (fingers crossed!) or be informed that there's a new president in charge, Mitt Romney. Here's hoping for a good night's sleep free of election dreams; and I know I'll run to turn my TV on first thing tomorrow morning!


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