Monday, 28 October 2013

Storm alert

Hello there... The last few months have been trying in many ways and in all that, it seems I found no time to blog. Well, one of my favourite sayings is better late than never, so here we go again. After some months in Ghana, I am back in Sweden and enjoying the seasons more than ever. Never before have I really appreciated the beautiful colours of autumn and the slow transition into winter. Of course, as I say it, it is not enjoyable at all: the St Jude storm which hit the UK yesterday, has apparently left and is heading towards the west coast of Sweden! Newsstations are advising us to pick children early from school, I saw this just as I received a call from Em's teacher to pick her before 3pm. I guess we have an interesting day and night ahead of us. Will these trees be standing tomorrow...?


Daniel Efosa Uyi said...

hey nice post meh, You are one of the best writers I've seen of recent. I love your style of blogging here. this post reminds me of an equally interesting post that I read some time ago on Daniel Uyi's blog: My Top 6 Best Bodyweight Workouts For Building Muscles & Attracting Girls .
keep up the good work friend. I will be back to read more of your posts.


Raine said...

Maya is back! *throws welcome shaped confetti*

Hope you all survived the storm. And I can't believe little miss Em is in school already, time sure flies.

How was Ghana? You should share some stories if you have any!!!!!!

Maya Mame said...

Oh the shame, that it's taken more than two months to reply this, Raine! So sorry, I will aim to do better and will definitely get som Ghana stories out here soon.

Thanks for the confetti!


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