In the mean time, I'll leave you with two horrid experiences I had this weekend in my beloved Tema. I went with my mum and Em to Usave (a Shoprite affiliate) in Community 1. On the way there I kept raving that this is the life - a nice breezy drive, good music blasting and Tema's organised (but potholed) roads. As we went through what was my local supermarket when Evergreen was to pricey and before Maxmart made it to Tema, I suddenly heard my mum yelp, then scream: a rat! Since I have a severe rat phobia, I lost all calm and started running through the shop, wheezing "excuse me, excuse me!" as I tried to make my way out as soon as possible, suddenly feeling very hot with a racing heart.
Once out and able to breathe again, my mum informed me it was actually a mouse, running over some tins just where she was about to reach out and take something. (Imagine that, reaching out for a tin of sweetcorn and landing a mouse in your hand. *shudder*).
It took a while to recover but by the next morning, I was better and started to prepare my lovely scrambled egg Sunday breakfast. As I cracked a second egg into a bowl, a smell filled our kitchen, and as I looked down I saw flaky, runny egg white and, wait for it, a b-l-a-c-k egg yolk!!! (I really do wish I had taken a picture but I was too shocked, instead, I'm thinking happy thoughts and give you a picture of sunset over East Legon).
Lesson learnt, be observant of where you shop and what you eat. Have a wonderful week, keep me in your happy thoughts.
Awww, you poor thing. We really need to get you on a Rat-Rapport Course or something ;-)
Geez. Just imagining that is unbearably horrible. The picture t sticking in my mind though is you jumping all over the place to escape the poor little mouse.
Usave, of course,is the crappy low-end of the shoprite range of stores.
Sorry Sissy!
Total trauma!! Do you sill shop there? I wont ..mehn.
i hate bad eggs! black at that, i can only imagine.
Ha ha, Nana Yaw! Actually I'll be happy to do anything to get rid of my fear.
It really is at the crappy end of the Shoprite range, Posekyere. I've previously found loads of insects in rice bought there and the staff looked strangely at me when I complained, as if 'so?'.
Never again, JuaNita!
Femme Lounge, the smell alone is so off-putting. Now anytime I crack an egg open I'm a bit cautious.
Eek! Disgusting! Completely grossed out by both stories. Appalling!
I agree with Abena Serwaa...but it served for great, dramatic posts, though. Small consolation there.
i hear rats aren't bad. when they're well roasted and in soup:)
Sorry for grossing you out, Abena and Kajsa!
Esi, as much as I like the idea of them suffering, every last limb boiling away, the idea of eating a rat is just as horrid as seeing it alive! :)
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