Wednesday, 11 August 2010

The train has come to town!

The other day I had some errands on the Spintex road. Seeing the traffic heading towards Tetteh Quarshie, I decided to drive all the way down the Spintex home to Tema. I'm glad I did. Not only did I catch that breathtaking view, as you turn the corner at the top of a little hill in Sakumono town, only to see the sea open up in front of you, with sand, palm trees and a bit of Tema harbour featuring on the left side.

I, of course opened my window to catch a few gasps of fresh sea air; all salt, freshness and fish fused into a perfect blend. The biggest surprise was at the end of the beach stretch. Suddenly the few cars in front of me ground to a halt. Just as I was about to get impatient, it came: out of a tiny tunnel ahead of us was a train!

I could have pinched myself for not having a camera (I left it at home, but since it's gone dead it wouldn't have helped me anyway). I tried taking a mental photo, and if I had had pen and paper I could easily have drawn a picture of it for you, at the 'speed' it choo-chooed past us. Luckily I found one online instead (thank you Ghana Business News!). Isn't it a beaut in its red, gold and green? And of course, there's a black star between every window!

Now, where does one go for a testride and how on earth do I stop singing this song every time I think of it?


Raine said...

SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! How awesome is that? What are the destinations? Do you have any more info on it? I wanna ride it when I'm in town!!!! Yayyyy

Kajsa said...

Lets go together, looks awesome!

The Author said...
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The Author said...

I want to go too. Is there a seat for three?

Maya Mame said...

Raine, I've tried to find some info online but with no luck. I guess I'll have to get off my backside. Will definitely update you when I have more info.

Kajas, let's! It will be so exciting! Think I'll check at the TMA if I can get more info there.

Nana Yaw, the more the merrier! Will find out and get back to you.


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