So what are the Easter plans for those of us left in Accra? Chilling with a big C! My sample of traffic today tells me what I already knew, it's going to be a smooth weekend, after all half of the cars have left town.

(picture borrowed from here)
I love Easter, ok I probably love all the holidays, but what makes Easter so exquisite is the lack of pressure. After a usually dreary January, February and March (although this year it's rather been hectic), Easter comes as a rewarding break before we head towards brighter and better days. Before, Easter would signify when the year turned brighter, spring and soon summer on the way. Now it is more of a reminder that despite feeling like we're in hell (well it's hot enough, isn't it?), rainy season is on it's way and with it, cooler temperatures!
So as is my general tradition for Easter, no plans are made, we chill, eat whatever comes our way, socialise with whoever comes our way and hopefully catch up on sleep (but that is every new parent's dream, always!). Today that means leftovers, watching movies (I'm hoping to make Virgo watch It's complicated with me even though I saw it about ten days ago) and looking forward to any friend or family member passing by.
Happy Easter!
I love Easter, it is my new favorite holiday I think. Enjoy your holidays, we sure will, just chilling in town...
Me too! It's so much less hyped than Christmas and yet more days off! Just wish I could send you some heat and you send me some cold in return... :)
Although I adore easter (goung to the villgae, spend time with old people, steal mangoes, be naughty), spending it in Accra, would be total death!
Happy Easter Maya!
It doesn't feel too much like Easter here other than there are baby chicks running around everywhere! No bunnies or chocolate eggs though. I do love this post and I'm glad I'm not in Accra! Thank you.
Thanks Juanita and Gayle. You're both making me think that perhaps I should head out of Accra for Easter next year. Really though, if I'll leave, it'll be for cooler temperatures!
My friend I met on the internet is in ghana. I want to try to get her to the usa so we can have a life together. The HOPE that comes with Easter is keeping us moving toward that goal.
Wow TJZEKE,keep on hoping, I wish you and your partner all the best!
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