Monday 17 March 2008


Hm, holiday hasn't started as expected. Was meant to be more of a catch up on non-work stuff rather than a relaxing one. Supposed to go to the gym early early, then to H's office to sort some stuff out, get hair done and maybe meet Dirty and Miami. But I'm still home! Anyway, did some work stuff that I needed to clear before going on holiday and sorted out some stuff with Linda too.

The builders next door are so damn loud, why do people have to shout when they're standing two meters from each other?

Have realised that it's so tempting to read other people's blogs. Can get quite addictive especially now when I'm off. Those I read, are generally to keep me updated as to what's going on in Sweden or with friends. Others are just fascinating as their lives, thoughts and priorities are soooo different (a certain blonde comes to mind).

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